Doing more, every day.

Governance Structure

STDI has a Governing Board appointed by the Board of trustees to set the organization’s mission and overall strategy, and modify both as needed, monitor organizational performance and hold management accountable. The Governing Board also develops and conserves the organization’s resources—both funds and facilities and serve as a bridge and buffer between the organization and its environment. The Board has a policy manual that guides its operations. The Board appoints an Executive Director who oversees the day-to-day running of the organization. The Executive Director heads the Management team made up of the Executive Director, Administrative and Finance Manager, The Program Manager and the M & E Manager. Each of the State Branches is headed by a State Coordinator who is the head of the State Management Team; made up of the State Coordinator, State Program Officer, State M & E Officer and State Finance & Administrative Officer. The State Program, M & E and Finance Administrative Officers also report to the respective Managers (at the national level).

Financial Management

We have a strong Financial Management System including a Financial Policy, Systems and Procedures Manual which is fully understood and applied by the Finance staff. We operate bank accounts and the Finance Department prepares an annual budget, monthly and quarterly financial reports routinely and when needed and also audited annual reports (by external auditors). This department plays important role in managing the organizations resources and finances. They keep daily accounting record of activities using a budget approved by the Governing Board.

Account Officer:

The account Officer maintains an accurate and up-to- date record of all income and expenditure. Receives and lodges incomes and keeps records of same. Maintains and manages the STDI imprest. Advice the finance unit and the project team on the status of expenditures payable. Verifies and reconciles the projects financial statements of accounts. Keep books of accounts on the project. Post petty cash data voucher payment into the computer database.  Prepare bank reconciliation statements of project account. Participate in writing financial report. Post journal entries and reconcile accounts, prepare trial balance of books and maintain general ledgers for the program.

Program Management

The program department is headed by a manager and has the responsibility of anchoring all programmatic/technical activities of STDI. The department also provides technical support to state offices and community partners on resource mobilization, project management and strengthening their institutional capacity to ensure effective service delivery and achievement of program goals. We have a strategic plan that is in line with the vision and mission of the organization and annual work plans that are drawn from the strategic plan, approved by the Governing Board and split into quarterly and monthly plans. We have relevant policies and quality improvement manuals derived from both national and international instruments to ensure that our programs not only address national priorities but also are of acceptable standards and quality.

Project Manager:

Plan, coordinate and administer activities within assigned program areas to include developing, implementing and supervising related procedures, processes, and services; train employees in proper methods and procedures and ensure correctness of work of the project. Provide administrative support to staff within assigned project areas to support the accomplishment of project objectives. Develop and implement activities including but not limited to trainings, workshops, awareness programs and outreach activities and other related programs; coordinate new ideas and concepts for the project themes, materials and resources to supplement, expand or replace existing program components. Involved in the preparation of budgets: forecast, monitor, verify and reconcile expenditure of budgeted funds as appropriate. Prepare reports and analysis setting forth progress, adverse trends and appropriate recommendations.


Monitoring and Evaluation System

We have an M & E Policy that addresses data collection, storage and use in all our program areas with tools which are adapted from and in line with the national M & E tools for the program areas. Our M & E Policy promotes learning, feedback, and knowledge sharing of results and lessons learned among STDI and its partners, as a basis for decision-making on policies, strategies, program management, and projects, and to improve knowledge and performance.

Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator:

Assist the project manager to develop systematic and realistic monitoring plans that capture quantitative and qualitative data to report on the project performance indicators. Coordinate the implementation of baseline surveys, follow‐on monitoring and evaluation exercises for various program initiatives in the state. Build capacity of local communities and staff on the logical framework, data management, data analysis and results‐oriented programming, monitoring and evaluation methods and principles and report writing techniques and requirements for relevant donors to ensure compliance. Develop program and operational reporting templates that facilitate the acquisition and aggregation of information in project. Coordinated compilation and dissemination of annual and quarterly reports for the project in the state. Organize and coordinate lessons learnt workshops/review of program work plans with partners and other stakeholders. Facilitate documentation and reporting of assessments, program data, lessons learnt and best practices for internal and external sharing. Develop and maintain effective information database on projects, providing resource and necessary support for program inputs and outputs.


Human Resources management

Human resource policies and procedures are in place and managers use them consistently to hire and retain talented and committed staff. Communication mechanisms are used consistently and effectively to share information across organizational units and among staff at different levels.

A performance appraisal system (PAS) is in place, procedures for performance evaluation and staff development exist, there is equal employment and promotion opportunity for men and women, and PAS is in use. Clear Job Descriptions exist for all positions; they are used consistently to manage staff performance expectations and are regularly reviewed.

The Executive Director directly supervises this department and ensures that they develop very robust human resource and administrative policy that guides the operations of the organization on daily basis. The department also keeps custody of all STDI assets either procured by STDI, donors or donated to STDI by partners.

Capacity Building Officer:

The Capacity Building Officer will provide the overall support for training and communication to participating communities and collaborators with regard to STDI. This will include providing training to youths, MARPS and women. The Capacity Building Officer will facilitate smooth communication and cooperationbetween STDI Field Coordinators and MARPS community target groups in the project as well as local government level and CSOs. Responsible for providing overall mentoring support to participating target groups, CBOs and community members on vulnerability issues. The Capacity Building Officer will work with the field coordinators to ensure that training and communication to the participating communities are undertaken in respect of planned activities and project document. Where necessary identify and manage consultants to provide technical and institutional training in accordance to the requirements of the participating communities and based on the assessments provided. At all times the Capacity Building Officer will act in a professional and courteous manner and will maintain a positive and constructive image of the Project, STDI. The Capacity Building Officer will play an advisory role to the project field staff on technical issues relating to the implementation of Promoting access to Sustainable livelihood and HIV Prevention Services project and Institutional strengthening to ensure that best practices are applied. The Capacity Building Officer will collaborate with the Project Officer in preparation of annual and quarterly project work plans and budgets in relation to the objectives of the project ensuring that they reflect all relevant aspects of Implementation and will be responsible for their submission to the Executive Director for approval. The Capacity Building Officer will assist the Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator in the collection of information in accordance with the project’s monitoring and evaluation strategy and action plan.


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