The Project Manager after brief introduction, Demand everyone presence wear their nose mask but virtually all participants presence don’t have any. This he said it is unsafe not to adhere to safety precautions on COVID19. He further listed the prevention measures to follow in achieving total safety during this pandemic. Safely managed water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services are an essential part of preventing and protecting human health during infectious disease outbreaks, including the current COVID-19 pandemic. One of the most cost-effective strategies for increasing pandemic preparedness, especially in resource-constrained settings, is investing in core public health infrastructure, including water and sanitation systems. Good hand wash and waste management practices, that are consistently applied, serve as barriers to human-to-human transmission of the COVID-19 virus in homes, communities, health care facilities, schools, and other public spaces. 

Improving hand washing behavior, Materials for hand washing and hygiene may include provision of fixed and portable hand washing facilities, purchase of soap and alcohol-based hand rubs, provision of water supplies for hand washing, collection of ashes from our kitchen to avoid cost for soap and point of use water treatment. Schools, workplaces, markets, transport stations, mosque and churches and other areas where people gather such as palace, all require easy access to hand washing facilities and water and soap/ashes for hand washing. Proven behavior change techniques can help increase the frequency and improve the practice of critical hygiene behaviors.

To respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, Save the Dream Initiative  promised to fix Tippy taps in strategic parts of GUI community these include the Palace, Mosques, Churches and Market Areas this aimed at promoting hand wash to reduce community members’ vulnerability Covid-19 pandemic



  • To educate and create awareness in GUI community members on Covid-19
  • To reduce effect of Covid-19 on GUI community members
  • To assess GUI community needs in combating with Covid-19 Pandemic


Lesson Learnt

There is need for continuous Covid-19 sensitization in GUI community to more awareness on the pandemic because the communities members are yet to believe the pandemic truly exist.


40 participants participated in this sensitization and gained new knowledge on the use of ashes in absence of soap to wash their hands regularly



This Activity showed that the community has not had any sensitization on Covid-19 and are glad Save the Dream Initiative came to their aids. Beneficiary pleaded for nose masks to enable them adhere to the sensitization procedure, because they can’t afford to buy one for themselves The recruited volunteers.

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