You can make a difference.

Our mission is to work with the vulnerables.


In the aim of improving the life quality of disadvantaged persons and to give a professional qualification to the young people; Save the Dream Initiative works with communities to identify root causes of hunger and poverty, build the capacities of individuals and groups in the communities to create wealth for themselves, ensure skills acquisition for income generation and improved household food security, create market for locally made products and set up micro-credit scheme for small scale industries for youth and mothers. At the end of the professional training some graduates were assisted and received a professional kit (box of tools, sewing machine) that has put them in the position to start quickly working on their own. The total number of beneficiaries is of this are 5 young people. Also, STDI also organized vocational trainings for disadvantaged youth aged from 12 – 30 years, with the aim of offering vocational skills for job in the following skills areas; tailoring, hairdressing, video making / photo making in which the project benefited 10 tailoring, 7 hairdressing, and 5 video-making / photo

We have trained over 55 MSM, women including youths on Agro-business as means of support for themselves. Save the Dream Initiative had conducted vocational training on various capacities to ensure they are ready and prepared for employment opportunities such as:

Conduct skill acquisition training to empower 70 Key Affected Population, women and youths in;

  1. Computer Training(social media management, Web designing)
  2. Bead Making Training
  3. Catering Training
  4. Livestock (Poultry, Piggery, Snail and Fish) Farm Training
  5. Soap making
  6. Shoe making

Conduct capacity building trainings on for 55 Key Affected Population on;

  1. Micro-finance management training
  2. HIV/AIDS Orientation Training
  3. Palliative Care and ART Drug Adherence Training
  4. Behavioural Change Training
  5. Agro-Business

Below is the picture event of Capacity build sessions conducted to empower youths and women in Rivers State on Agro-Business.


Below is photograph of Social Media training for youths in Rivers State.

Save The Dream Initiative (STDI) works with partners to carry thorough cleaning of Port Harcourt beach on the world environment day as part of her contribution to the society.


Your Help is Needed

Each donations matter, even the smallest ones. Donate and someone’s life will get better!