You can make a difference.

Our mission is to work with the vulnerables.


STDI partner with other health care providers in the Nigeria and NGOs to carry out her medical goals and visions, It is important that the our community members are medically fit and that diseases are detected on time. To achieve this goal, STDI have comprehensive screening centre in her office where the under-listed can be access without prejudice:

  1. HIV / AIDS Testing Services
  2. Blood sugar testing / diabetics testing
  3. Hepatitis B testing
  4. Renal function test
  5. Liver function test

This would be carried daily by Save the Dream Initiative organization and referrals made to KAP friendly Hospitals across the state for expedient action.

 Combating HIV/AIDS

  • Save The Dream Initiative (STDI) is committed to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and mitigating its impact on Nigerian people and communities. These we do through: HIV Prevention for youths, couples and most-at-risk population (MARPS), Provision of community HTC services for general and key populations, including Household Economic Strengthening and Community Systems Strengthening and care in the community for adults and children living with HIV/AIDS, Save The Dream Initiative has referred for treatment over 50 persons living with HIV/AIDS in our project communities, Trained over 400 community members on Myth and misconception on HIV/AIDS including awareness on STIs. Save the Dream Initiative leveraging on exist partnership with Greater Women Initiative for Health and Right One-Store-Shop to care for over 111 MSM diagnosed with Sexual Transmitted Infections especially those with Anal warts.
  • STDI works with communities to prevent child abuse and neglect, identify, withdraw and rehabilitate abused children, ensure child survival and development through provision of child friendly health and educational services, and improve Adolescent Reproductive Health and provide counseling and integrated care to all adolescents, especially adolescent mothers, and ensures their continuing education and development.   
Below is Event Picture of HTS carried out in one of our Implementing site:
stdi- health program stdi- healthWORLD AIDS DAY - STDI 

Your Help is Needed

Each donations matter, even the smallest ones. Donate and someone’s life will get better!