You can make a difference.

Our mission is to work with the vulnerables.


Human Rights Intervention:

Save the Dream Initiative is staffed with seasoned lawyers, paralegal officers and other support staff with requisite expertise in adjudication, policy advocacy, soliciting, capacity building and passion for the protection and intervention in all issues of human rights violation, irrespective of culture, creed, status, race, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression.

In a bid to ensure that members of the community know and appreciate their rights and how to defend them; we organize interactive sessions which shall be captioned “Knowing Your Rights” with captivating themes which shall feature talk shows,  sing-songs, Seeing of  movies that have human rights violations in them ask them to identify the rights violated and why it is their thought that right/s have been violated, give hypothetical scenario for discuss amongst others to help monitor how well they have come to terms with these rights as well as appreciate when they are violating the rights of others. 

To further reinforce this, we provide handy IEC materials to which they can always resort to as a guide.  

 Save The Dream Initiative has handled over 111 Gender based Violence and KAP Human Right abuse cases. Treated over 30 issues where the local vigilante’s threatened KAP community members based on their perceived sexuality thereby, forcing them to vacate their rented homes and flee for safety. STDI from February 2018 till date has also handled 71 cases of teenagers and young adults still living with their parents/ family members being disowned based on their sexuality. To promote access to justice, STDI has trained over 34 KAP as paralegals in order to ensure maximum intervention of human right among the community.


Your Help is Needed

Each donations matter, even the smallest ones. Donate and someone’s life will get better!